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Русский язык как иностранный. Бизнес-курс (Business Russian)
We understand that business language is one of the most problematic areas and requires special attention. Thus, we offer two options within the Business Russian Course (both aiming for students to gain confidence in business communication in meetings and discussions, negotiations and presentations, telephone conversations, and business writing.)

1. In combination with 20 hours of the Standard Group Course in the morning, an additional 10 individual business lessons in the afternoon.

2. One-on-one business course. This option is designed for businessmen who have very specific requirements and needs in terms of their schedule, as well as the content and aims of the course (e.g. Russian language for commerce, finance, management, tourism, etc.)
Город Санкт-Петербург
Язык Русский как иностранный
Тип курса деловой
Курс рассчитан на Для студентов, Для взрослых
Стоимость обучения 445
Вид занятий групповые
Форма обучения очная
Дата начала занятий По мере набора группы
Контактный телефон Показать
Сайт Показать

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